How An ERP Can Save Your Property
9/16/2020 (Permalink)
What is an ERP you ask, well it stands for Emergency Ready Profiles. These are very beneficial to property manager and building engineers in large commercial buildings. Having a ready plan in place can save your business and building. A trained SERVPRO of Western Lehigh County staff member will walk through the building with you, and fill out all the information needed. After completion all you have to do is download an App on your phone or tablet, and you will have all the information one click away. Paper versions are also available. These ERP's come in handy when an emergency occurs and someone may not be familiar with the building, and needs important information. It also helps out our SERVPRO of Western Lehigh County crew members when going into an unfamiliar building. Providing them all the information they need to get the job done correctly. Changes and updates can always be made by anyone with access through the App whenever they may be needed. Knowing what to do and what to expect in advance is the key to timely mitigation and can help minimize how water and fire damage can affect your business. We have had the damage, and cost significantly dropped from ERP's being available to a building. Just remember this is all done at no charge to you or your building, and is super helpful!