What our Customers say...

Commercial Testimonials

SERVPRO helped my restaurant out big time.  A drain backed up during business hours spilling water all over the kitchen area.  SERVPRO came out quickly and took care of the issue without causing a scene.  Thanks to them we were only shut down for 2 hours.  This could have been a lot worse, and I am very thankful for the great work provided from SERVPRO. 

After a fire damaged multiple apartments in my complex SERVPRO of Western Lehigh did a fantastic job cleaning up and restoring them back to livable conditions. The crew new what they were doing and kept me informed every step of the way. Thanks for the great work.

Look no further, SERVPRO will take care of it!
I had a tragedy at one of my rental units and had no idea what to do. I called SERVPRO and without hesitation they told me they would take care of my problem and additionally it would be taken care of in 2 days. Thank you SERVPRO!
I highly recommend this franchise.

SERVPRO was fantastic and would most certainly use them again!

Dedicated business owners who work hard and do what's right for there customers.

The crew was on time, took care of the project very efficiently, and my nightmare was over! Thank you SERVPRO!
I highly recommend these guys.